In dedicating children we recognize and celebrate God’s gift of life and His love, which is extended to every person. It is the church’s celebration of life in which we express our awareness and thanksgiving for God’s surrounding love.
While our Church has never practiced infant baptism, we feel it is important for children and their parents to be dedicated to a Christian lifestyle within the fellowship of the Church. A Service of Dedication is thus held, at the request of a parent, as a part of the regular Sunday morning worship service or privately arranged with the minister. As part of that service the parents pledge to help lead their child to an eventual confession of faith in Jesus Christ and Christian Baptism at an ‘age of accountability’.
The practice of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is to baptize by immersion those who are prepared to make a confession of faith in Jesus Christ. We also recognize that many in our community, indeed in our own congregation, come to us from a variety of church and denominational backgrounds. There are those who seek to christen or baptize their children in infancy. We are able to accommodate families who come from different traditions or who are not members of this church.
For information about infant baptism or dedications, please call the church office at (818) 763-8218 to schedule an appointment with one of our ministers.