Our Human Needs group is focused primarily on providing hot meals to the homeless population in our surrounding area and to folks unable to afford to feed themselves adequately. The group serves a hot meal on the second Sunday of each month at North Hollywood Park. They typically serve between sixty and ninety people with a larger attendance at the Thanksgiving meal in November when a traditional Thanksgiving meal is served on the Saturday before Thanksgiving. If there is extra food at the end of serving, the group offers it in take-away boxes.

Members of this outreach group do not have to attend meetings or commit to being there every month. This ministry has been active for several years and continues to be welcomed by those who look forward to having a free hot meal each month.

Deborah Luster is the leader of the Human Needs group with assistance from other members. Join us and make a difference in your community. Please contact the church office for more information. fccnh@earthlink.net