We are a church whose faith is centered in Holy Scripture, especially the Gospels, and the teaching of Jesus Christ. We believe that the Bible was inspired by God to men and women at specific times in specific places to address specific situations and should be read from both an historical and faith perspective.
Diverse, Welcoming, Mission-focused
We are a community of people from all walks of life. We are a family of people from different cultures. We believe God loves everyone and we in turn accept and love everyone, embracing our differences, and celebrating our togetherness.
Chartered in 1924, First Christian Church of North Hollywood strives to be a true community with deep spirituality and practices a passion for mission and justice. All are welcome to worship, share communion and work together with us. A belief in Jesus as the Son of God and a commitment to strive to live one’s personal life according to His Gospel of unconditional love is the only requirement for church membership.
We are a church whose faith is centered in Holy Scripture, especially the Gospels and the teaching of Jesus. We believe that the Bible was inspired by God to men and women at specific times in specific places to address specific situations and should be read from both a historical and faith perspective.
“As part of the one body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord’s Table as God has welcomed us” (from the Disciples of Christ identity statement). When we celebrate Holy Community (the Eucharist) in every service of worship all are welcome, and “all means all”.
Taking the example of Jesus we practice “Believer’s Baptism” by emersion, but accept all forms of baptism as valid.
We are a “missional church”. We believe each individual has a responsibility to demonstrate their faith by the way they live. As a faith community we demonstrate our commitment to mission outreach by giving 10% of our member’s offerings to the mission work of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) around the world. Our youth are regularly involved in missional projects throughout the Western United States and members of our church family regularly feed the hungry of our community. Being a missional church means that we are personally, financially and spiritually involved in many different missional projects throughout the year supporting a vast array of missional work both here and around the world.
We are a diverse church family. We are Republican, Democrat, Libertarian and Independent, straight and gay, liberal and conservative both culturally and theologically, young and old. We are racially and ethnically diverse and reflective of our community. And “we agree to disagree … agreeably … and in love”.
We embrace the “Priesthood of All Believers”. While a church that believes and encourages a professional, seminary educated clergy, we also encourage all laymen and woman to accept their roles as Christ’s “priesthood” in performing the various ministries of the church. Lay Elders and Diaconate regularly officiate and serve Holy Communion, call on the sick and shut-in, and on occasion preach at various services of worship. At the conclusion of each service of worship we believe, as the church family leaves, that “The Church has left the Building.”
We accept all people as equal citizens of the Family of God, striving to show deep personal respect for each individual and their life and faith choices. We believe that the Body of Christ is a place where all people should be welcome.
We are ecumenical. From our birth as a religious movement in 1805, Christian unity has been “our polar star”. That means that, respecting the vast differences among people of faith that often divide us, we will fellowship and work with any faith body that shares our passion for mission, justice, seeking equality for all people and bringing wholeness to the world. It means that we acknowledge that together people of many different manifestations of faith can accomplish more in ministering to humanity than any single Body can accomplish alone. Within the Christian context unity means spiritual unity, not physical uniformity.
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada is a congregational movement of over 3,000 congregations, each setting their own styles of worship and forms of ministry, yet cooperating with one another in joint educational, mission and service ministries to the world. Its heritage dates to the early 19th century and the restoration movement. It is the largest denomination founded on American soil and often defined as “the most American of all churches.”
As we approach the millennium and beyond, we the people of the First Christian Church of North Hollywood shall continue our mission to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the immediate community and beyond. This mission shall be accomplished with an emphasis on three things:
We recognize that we are all children of God; our love for each other knows no bounds. We profess our love for Jesus Christ and the desire to be members of the family of Christ. We recognize and accept all as members of the family of humanity.
By our belief in God and Jesus Christ, we will set our standards according to the life and teachings of Jesus. We will strive to live our lives by the example Jesus has shown to us.
We accept The Great Commission to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world; we recognize that this is accomplished by witness, example and action.
Commissioned by the 1996 Board of Directors
Mission Statement Committee
Kay Tate, Chair; Tom Amundsen, Terry Arter, Dan Savage, Ed Smith, Margaret Wilkes, Ann Wilson, Louise Sloan Goben, Robert M. Bock